Wednesday Aug 02, 2023

Episode 34 - Ass. Prof. Alessandro Chiarotto - Prognosis and treatment of chronic low back pain

Pain researcher and pain specialist Dr. Alessandro Chiarotto discusses the mechanisms behind chronic low back pain and designing effective interventions.

Welcome back, listeners, to another intriguing episode of Le Pub Scientifique! Today, we have a special guest with us, Dr. Alessandro Chiarotto, an Assistant Professor at Erasmus University Hospital in Rotterdam (NL) and a renowned expert in the field of pain research.

#treatment #lowbackpain #Placebo #Regressiontothemean #BIAS #Realtreatmenteffects


Dr. Alessandro Chiarotto is an esteemed Assistant Professor in the field of pain research. With a strong background in physiotherapy and evidence-based practice, Dr. Chiarotto has dedicated his career to understanding and treating chronic pain.

Dr. Chiarotto's recent work has focused on investigating the mechanisms behind chronic pain and developing effective interventions. He has conducted extensive research to identify factors that contribute to the persistence of pain beyond the expected healing time, such as psychosocial factors, central sensitization, and maladaptive pain processing.

In his studies, Dr. Chiarotto has explored the effectiveness of various treatments, including physical therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and interdisciplinary pain management approaches. His research aims to provide clinicians with evidence-based guidance on the most appropriate interventions for different types of chronic pain.

Dr. Chiarotto's work has been published in renowned scientific journals, and he is actively involved in collaborative research projects with multidisciplinary teams. He is passionate about translating research findings into clinical practice and improving the lives of individuals living with chronic pain.


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